Author’s note: Scroll down to the end of this article and listen to my original podcast, recorded in 1986.
IN OUR MEDITATIONS, projections and daily actions, let us challenge ourselves to secure a new level of commitment to our I Am Self demonstration. This theme has entered our conversations significantly at I Am Nation headquarters, due both to dramatic events on the world, national or local scene and to unexpected individual experiences that have demanded our attention, our concern and our vital spiritual action.
We know that you too have been responding to the same or similar events being reported weekly in the mass media. And based on a number of reports we have received from you, we know that you also have been going through various personal transmutations, and sometimes very trying experiences indeed.
So, what does all this lead us to conclude? These rapid and oftentimes jarring changes have caused us here at headquarters to renew our deep and abiding spiritual commitment to I Am thinking, speaking and acting. This is our key to survival — spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically — in these horrendous Latter Days.
In fact, our own I Am Selves and the Hierarchy are pressing upon us the urgency for securing or solidifying our I Am commitment now, before even greater and more monumental changes hit the scene. We must read the handwriting on the wall. We must recognize that what we have witnessed so far is just the bare beginning of the changes that must occur on our planet, in our communities, and in our daily lives and patterns before the Second Coming. The changes predicted in hierarchal communications for decades are fast manifesting before our eyes, just as we were warned they would.
As a strong and unified force field of light, our job is to renew our commitment to help stabilize, protect and counterbalance both one another and planet Earth during these transmutations.
Even so, why should we be concerned now about securing our commitment to the I Am Self? After all, haven’t we been doing this work all along? Haven’t we been working diligently week after week to evolve our spiritual understanding and demonstration? Yes, of course we have. That’s the very purpose of our network of light.
But the warning here is that the spiritual energy influx we are now experiencing requires us to renew this commitment to an entirely new level. We cannot rest on the achievements of the past. Sure, our past successes have anchored us in the light, and they have brought us to new levels of thinking, speaking and acting in I Am consciousness.
Yet, the truth of the matter is that what was adequate to our spiritual demonstration, say, just a few short months ago, does not quite meet up to the requirements of right now. You know this, and I know this. So, if we want to increase our effectiveness as light workers, we have to buckle down and make a new serious commitment to serve the Second Coming program to our full potential as Christed beings.
No matter who we are or where we are serving, it really is to our benefit that we make a new commitment immediately. For by doing so, we shore up our spiritual resources even further. We strengthen ourselves in the light. We increase our awareness of Spirit’s will for our soul mission. We enhance our protection. We balance our individual force field. We amplify our unification with one another and with light workers everywhere. Ultimately, we help stabilize the planet itself while it struggles to maintain its delicate balance during this transmutation.
Securing our commitment to demonstrate the I Am Self, however, is something easier said than done. It’s one thing for us to sit quietly in meditation and make this vow; and of course, this is where it begins, right here in this meditation. But it’s another thing to actually demonstrate this commitment in our daily lives, when we constantly are being barraged by pressures and temptations that demand our immediate response of spiritual treatment. We need to be so secure in our I Am Self demonstration that the tidal waves of coming change do not bash upon us and break us.
Spiritual Response to Disasters
Here is one example of a spiritual challenge that affected each and every one of us who witnessed it. In January 1986 we had the disaster with the Space Shuttle Challenger. In one horrific millisecond we were confronted with an event that sent mental and emotional shock waves instantly across the face of the Earth.
If you were incarnated, where were you when this happened, and what were you doing? Think back. Do you remember exactly how you responded? What were your first thoughts and emotions? How quickly did you respond with the proper spiritual treatment? Were you too stunned to react spiritually, or did you immediately start sending out thoughts of protection, balance, understanding, love, compassion and peace?
How quickly did you respond with prayers to the souls of the Challenger astronauts who made the transition in that instant explosion? Did you call upon their high Selves and spiritual teachers for protection and adjustment to this tragedy?
At Mark-Age, we have a special prayer service for those who make the transition to the other side, called Rescue Mission. For we call upon the high Self of the person involved, plus call upon his or her teachers and guides on the inner planes, to “rescue” or to help the soul adjust to the transition. In this way we participate positively and effectively from our side of the veil to help the soul resolve and heal its situation and get on with its spiritual mission.
In the case of the Challenger tragedy, our spiritual treatment had to be extended to include millions upon millions of people who were left in a state of shock and disbelief. In effect, we had to perform a Rescue Mission for the planet, for we had to help rescue masses of people from their temporary state of emotional trauma. And we had to do this while at the same time dealing with this tragedy within our own minds and emotions.
Of course, we were not the only ones active in responding spiritually to this radical change. I heard it stated a number of times in the national and local media that never had there been such an effective and coordinated national and community response to a tragedy of this all-encompassing nature. For example, in many communities professional counselors and church leaders were available to help schoolchildren and their parents cope with this trauma, because many children had witnessed tragic death for the first time.
The Challenger tragedy is just one of the upsetting events we have had to work with in this transmutation cycle of the end days. Actually, there have been many dramatic upheavals and changes that have demanded our attention. Consider these few: the 9/11 terrorist attacks; the 2004 Asian tsunami; the 2010 Haitian earthquake; the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami, plus many other mass-casualty disasters. Man-made catastrophes have included mass shootings at public schools and other places, wars and political unrest.
And this is not to mention all the personal upheavals and cleansings we may be going through, trying to adjust to the new spiritual vibrations; upheavals that you won’t hear about on the nightly news!
The point is this: we need to secure our rock-solid commitment to the I Am Self demonstration, so that we are better prepared to respond to the dramatic changes ahead of us. If we don’t prepare ourselves now, we may be swept up by circumstances from which we ourselves will have to be rescued, like many others.
Generate I Am Security
So, what can we do right now to secure this commitment in our daily lives? First, we have to start with ourselves. How solid is our conscious connection with our I Am Self? How committed are we to following Spirit’s will in our life, and not the will of our mortal thoughts and desires that are pressuring us at this time?
How much balance are we expressing in our four lower bodies: the mental, the emotional, the astral and the physical? Do we have potentially dangerous weak areas, or even subtle vulnerabilities or leaks in our auric field, that need attention? Or, are we a solid, well-protected focus of light energy?
So, let’s examine ourselves and generate greater I Am security in our force fields.
Next, let’s expand our thoughts to others, whether our family, friends, work associates or others. Are we sensitive to their needs? Are we a positive force in their lives, helping them to secure their own commitments to spiritual demonstration? Or, are we so caught up in our own world that we haven’t taken that extra bit of effort to find out how our neighbor is doing?
What about communication? How well are we communicating to others? If we need help, yet haven’t asked someone who cares, why not? Are we trying to be martyrs, and go through all these terrific changes by ourselves?
And then there’s the other side of the coin, for communication is equally listening. How well are we listening to our wife, our friend, our boss, the person we meet in the grocery store? Believe me, everyone on the planet is silently, if not vocally, crying out in the pain of transmutation.
Only as a unified force of love and light and peace and balance will we be able to help the planet through this transmutation of the Latter Days. The Hierarchy has told us that what we are experiencing is both the best of times and the worst of times. We know what the worst of times are, don’t we? But are we prepared to commit ourselves to helping all on the planet resurrect themselves into the best of times?
The best of times, or the true happiness we are searching for in life, can only be had when we are operating in I Am awareness. Every time we renew our commitment to Christ, we are expressing the I Am. Every time we send out love, protection and balance, we are doing the will of the I Am. Every time we do a selfless deed, however small, we are generating the energy of the I Am in motion. Every time we have a positive spiritual thought, we are thinking from the mind of I Am.
Live, breath and be moved in the I Am. Think, speak and act in the I Am. Secure your commitment now to the I Am by securing your mind, soul and body in the light of the I Am Self. So be it.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #363B, released in April 1986.
Love Offsets Catastrophes
“Bring forth power, energy, and divine order and harmony to circumvent catastrophic planetary conditions scheduled. . . . By proper radiation of energy, simultaneously conducted in projection of power of love for this transitory period of time, many crises can be averted, eliminated and squelched. So-called natural catastrophes are necessary to sweep clean periodically error thinking in mass consciousness. If proper radiation of love can supersede mass-conscious negativity, all natural disorders can be offset.”
— Sananda/Jesus; August 20, 1961
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to Phillel’s original recording of “Secure Your Commitment to the I Am.”
Photos: (1) Angel’s Blessing © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger, January 1986. (3) Phillel, broadcasting in 2008; Mark-Age Archives.