Channeled via Nada-Yolanda
CLEARLY, OUR HOUR HAS COME, the time is upon us. We are in those moments of awakened consciousness when we shall do those things which have been promised; and greater things than I had done as Jesus of Nazareth. All at once, it shall not come; as in a flash of lightning or in a sudden storm of experience and power. But gradually it shall be unfolded unto each one who has been cleansed and cleared, ready and willing, up to this time for these examples.
You have seen much in the way of good works and good intentions, but they have not been enough to change the entire pattern and course of man’s life and thinking upon the planet Earth. Of these greater works we now speak from this level of consciousness and expression. It has been told in the past, since my incarnation as Jesus, that the works ahead were many and would require all to go forth to all corners of the world and speak the gospel, tell the truth and bring about the New Age. It also was foretold that amongst these deeds would be those even greater than I had demonstrated in that role. For the blueprint and the pattern always can be expanded upon, once it can be copied precisely in the same way as it was created.
As a son of God, I gave all that was given to me by the Father to give to you. In these thousands of years since I have been working on the perfect pattern of the Christ consciousness, you have seen and participated, shared, and aided me and others; all in many ways. But now the time and the hour approaches; and what you must do now are works that use the blueprint and plan, for the greatest good of all, everywhere.
It is not as though these souls and children of Earth have come unto this place for the first time. It is not as though they have heard these words for the first time or the deeds that are to be expressed, either. In one lifetime or another, in one teaching or another that has led to this perfect and simple direction to reach Christ consciousness, they have been given the information and the examples and the proof that they have needed. Then it is up to them, of course, to accept and to work toward that for which they have had ample training and time to consider.
It is not up to you. It is not your responsibility, except in the area where you are given the functions, jobs and directions. This will and does include going forth, stepping forth; and being as perfect as the Father, which is within you, in your mortal expression and character. But, other than that, you cannot do for another that which he must do for himself. You may try, seventy times seven times seventy, but that does not mean it is again yours to accomplish. For each man must accomplish his own works within himself, just as each butterfly must [work] his way out of his own cocoon by and for himself, to gain the strength and the experience and the know-how. This is the divine pattern in all levels of expression.
But where you are given functions and responsibilities you cannot shirk them. So, it is to you now that we turn and say: this is the hour; the time has come for all that you have learned, and all the experience that you have accepted as being good, to come forth and to manifest its achievements. What and how these works will be given for you to perform are not outlined in advance, nor can they ever be. For the situation that arises gives the need, and it also brings forth the power. What you must do is to be aware of all situations that require change and cleansing upon the Earth and in yourselves for the moment.
When that occurs in your conscious awareness, then the work must be done; then and there, and quickly. We would like to say it should occur instantaneously. For as soon as the thought goes out, Spirit brings about, through Its activity, that energy which can make the manifested form come into completion. It is as a twinkling of an eye in many cases. But in other cases it shall not be, or seem to be, instantaneous. For there are conditions, which are not always seen or known by the conscious mind, that relate to that condition, which first must be balanced or taken aside, that they are not influenced by the change.
All things are not known by the conscious mind, nor shall they ever be known by the conscious mind, demonstrating on the Earth. The reason for this is that conscious mind still must be aware of all the areas of development and confusion and projections that do involve what you call Earth plane functioning. There is much on the Earth plane that is not desirable to peace and general goodwill. Yet, it is not entirely in error; it is just the circumstances of existence upon that particular place. Therefore, the conscious mind is distracted by these many areas of existence, these many conditions which are part of the limitations of third dimensional life.
You cannot become, then, impersonal enough and removed enough in order to be safely functioning on that plane, for you to see and to be perfect in your conscious analysis and satisfaction. But as long as your conscious awareness is fully opened to the Christ Self within, and the subconscious is cleansed and cleared enough that it does not have any blocks or preconceived ideas as to what it wants to have done in this situation, then the open wire of communication between conscious and superconscious, the I Am Self, is without interference; and opened for direct, clear instruction and action.
The instruction aspect has been tried and tested, and proven satisfactory. Now we are interested in the actions. So, as decided and explained, we see that some of these actions will be instantaneous while others will be over a period of time. This too you must come to know and to accept as the wisdom and the love of the Father-Mother God within. You are both, of course, in certain aspects; for you have both aspects of God within: the Father who brings forth the good and is the Good, and the Mother which acts upon that good, and the Son or manifestation which is that desired product, to aid, to lift, to change and to improve what is ours, our dominion to control and to command.
As sons of God, our Earth planet and this solar system, for the present, are our kingdoms to command. That we have failed in doing a perfect job thus far is not the final decision of our Father-Mother God. For loving God, wise God, within knows that all these trials and errors and temptations and experiences will lead us toward doing the job we were intended. In other words, a true father and mother cannot disinherit their son. And we are the sons of God. Therefore, no matter how many mistakes we have made in the past, the opportunity is presented again to us now to do the job that was intended for us to do in the beginning.
Look not back, as Lot’s wife,* and then turn into nothingness so that you are ineffective and unable to continue. But look ahead to what has to be done, and do it. The pattern and blueprint has been laid before you. Use it. The idea and the information, the news, of the New Age have been going out for nearly two thousand years. Heed it. What more really can we say or do for you, those who are enlightened, than this?
No more than you shall be able to make the children of Earth heed you and obey you and come into their own Christ-conscious awareness, can we force you to use the powers to cleanse the soul that are inherent in your makeup from the beginning. We are as powerless as you to force this issue. But we do not desert you, nor leave you, in the sense of discouragement or frustration, to say the job cannot be done. We continue to broadcast and to aid you in whatever manner or means you leave open to us to do.
State of Urgency
So, it is being said to you on Earth now who are part of this plan and know this information and have carried this news: now is your time, this is your hour! We are most adamant and sincere and earnest about this, and we hope that you will realize the urgency and the emergency that is before us. For in any well-conceived plan there are perfect schedules, and we try to adhere to the schedule as perfectly as we can. However, and unfortunately, sometimes the perfect schedule is not put into operation, for too many foul-ups occur along the way. These do not dismiss the fact that the schedule was perfect to begin with or easy to begin with.
But what we have now [in 1966] are so many delays and confusions and dismissals of that plan that we must put into operation alternate plans and more emergency measures. . . . Therefore, we are in a state of urgency and emergency to bring about whatever we can to try to get the schedule operative as closely to the perfect plan as we can; skipping, perhaps, here and there. But that is our choice and that is our decision, based on that which we have seen occurring upon the Earth, and in the workers upon the Earth who have come to fulfill and to function within this perfect plan.
No, the plan we have now is not that original, perfect plan. But we hope to get back to it, and get on schedule, so that all on Earth can have this change and transmutation of the New Age occur in as pleasant and as uplifting and conscious a manner as we have within our power to do. You have been called the helpmates and the disciples of this plan and of this consciousness. Therefore your function is doubled. First of all, as disciples, you must believe and live and demonstrate exactly that which you know is the truth. Also, you must help others and help us to live and to be the truth, the light and the way.
So, each one who has been aware consciously of this program and of this plan to uplift all men upon the planet into spiritual consciousness must go to work about our Father’s business immediately. It is up to you to tune in to your own individual Christ Self to find where and how this can be accomplished. We are not outlining your function. That is not our job, any more than it will be your job to go forth upon the planet and say to this individual and to that one: this you must do in order to become a more perfect individual, to demonstrate your Sonship in the God consciousness.
That you would be eliminated should you try such a scheme thereby would eliminate us should we try the same upon you. No, this is not the function of the Christed individual. His function merely is to teach, to demonstrate and to help, as already has been given to you in great detail; not only recently, but for eons of time. Why do I keep emphasizing these eons of time? It is because we do not wish you to feel that this is brand-new to your consciousness or soul evolvement. We wish you to realize that it is inbuilt within your being, and you know this information, and you can receive this information and the wherewithal and the know-how instantly; or in short order, when it is best to delay the information for a time.
That you must work in the place where you are and with those that you are associated with now is the way that Spirit always functions. Start where you are, with the situations that confront you now. This will be expanded as you prove to yourself, to others and to the God Self within that you have been pure in motive and excellent in execution. Then will the greater works be given unto you.
Expand Jesus’ Demonstration
The greater works that have been expressed here and before this time, so that you now would become used to the idea through this two-thousand-year period from the Piscean to the Aquarian Ages, are those things that shall affect more individuals on the Earth plane and in the planes that surround the Earth than were affected by my initiation and demonstration as Jesus the Christ. What was that main initiation? The crucifixion, and the resurrection of the light body, and the ability to bridge the third and the fourth dimensional consciousnesses involving this particular planet. That was the single demonstration of a single individual upon the Earth. But the disciples were instructed to go out from there and to teach it to all men everywhere.
Now all men everywhere have been given this information. We must have a multiple demonstration of this same principle in order for it to grow and to expand. For nothing in Spirit is static; all things forever are being expanded. Your own consciousness, for one, is being expanded. Therefore, Spirit’s good is expanded unto all Its creations, and multiplied over and over again. There is no end to creation or to God’s power and love. This, of course, you understand in generalities and in parable. But now will you execute this very simple proclamation and bring it into manifested form? For it is not enough for God the Father to give the idea; but God the Mother must bring it forth and God the Son must live it. This is your function and your purpose. That which is of Good, God, is good for all, not just a few.
So, that I had been able to prove and to demonstrate my own Sonship within the Father-Mother God relationship is only the proof and the execution that all men must do the same. It is not enough to say that he is a special case and situation; that which he has done is good enough for me, and I will ride along on his coattails. For, as already stated, one cannot do for another that which each soul must do for himself. We only can teach and we only can demonstrate, we only can help these brothers and sisters everywhere. But each soul must do his own growing and expanding in consciousness. The weak shall wait, the strong shall go ahead. But also, the strong return unto the weak and aid them over the bumpy parts of the path, upward and onward into perfection and love.
Let us see these greater or expanded works begin. Let us know that we are one in the Christ body and have each other to support one another. Let us know that we all are sons of God and that each one has the same ability to receive and to demonstrate the powers that any other one has done. This is the heritage which I have left. This is my gift unto men of Earth. But I cannot return and say that I will open the gift and use the gift if you are not willing to take it yourselves.
I have given, throughout ages upon ages, that which has been given to me by the Father-Mother God to give to you. I must wait, then, until you are willing to open and to use these gifts. Then the greater works and the greater opportunities shall be shared by us together. For the law of divine truth is that you shall give what you receive; and then you shall receive even greater, after having given that which was given first unto you in the name of goodness, in the name of truth, in the name of love.
These things have I done; therefore, these things you must do. These things have I desired for you; therefore, you must desire them for yourselves, and eventually for others. For yes, once you have conquered and have achieved all of these wonderful realizations and gifts, you still will have greater works before you in other places and in other times. This is not the end, but the beginning, of greater works than I have done. So please heed the call. Know the area of your own responsibility, and please fulfill yourselves with these conditions.
I am ever and always part of this endeavor. I am ever and always your servant to command. For I have not been fulfilled until that gift which I have given to you has been opened and used by you. I am not disconnected or uninterested in that which you are to do in the days ahead, but instead I am ever alert and in conscious awareness of that which besets and troubles you as disciples and helpmates here upon the Earth and in other areas of conscious development around this solar system.
Please be as conscientious as I in these things; with yourselves and with one another. For the pattern is to be imitated; and that which I do, you must do. Be then aware of these things and do these things. For the time is short, and all that can be saved at this time are dear and wonderful souls that can be brought into a sense of glory and fulfillment never known by this planet before. This naturally is the incentive that keeps all of us in the moving ahead and in the hard work that this does comprise. You are my disciples, you are my helpmates. You are ever in my conscious pleas, plans and prayers. So be it, in truth; for this is truth. I am Jesus of Nazareth.
— Sananda/Jesus; July 16, 1966
* When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, two angels helped Lot and his family escape; but Lot’s wife disobeyed the warning not to look back, and turned into a pillar of salt. See Genesis 19:26.
Photos: (1) Sananda/Jesus the Christ (colorized), Mark-Age Archives. (2) Living Water (Jesus encounters Samaritan woman at the well) © by Simon Dewey. (3) Jesus calls his disciples; artist unknown. (4) Light of the World © by Nathan Greene. (5) Breaking Bread (Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper); artist unknown.